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A writer from the beginning 


“Music and comedy are so linked. The rhythm of comedy is con­nected to the rhythm of music. They’re both about creating tension and knowing when to let it go." --Conan O'Brien


I consider myself to be a great listener. This may seem a bit strange, considering you just landed on my writer and designer portfolio, but the best things I have learned about writing, real writing, have come from listening. Listening to music and comedy, as you'll find throughout this e-portfolio, have had a tremendous influence on me as a writer. Being able to articulate emotions, express your innermost thoughts, and make audiences introspective is what makes music and comedy so fragilly beautiful and why they are the best writers. Unfortunately for me, as admirable as I find these traits and skills, I am neither musically inclined nor funny. Instead, I listen. I listen to what these writers are saying. Then I listen to what they're really saying. And then I listen to how they are saying it. In doing so, I hope to be able to emulate this in my own writing. 


Throughout this semester, I have taken this approach to the projects I have worked on. Focusing on music and comedy both in subject and writing style, I hope that I have achieved what I find so appealing about these arts. Now, I leave it for you, the audience, to enjoy. Turn up the lights. It's show time. 

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